How to Prepare for a Christmas Break
When it comes to the holidays, do you finish all your planning and shopping months in advance or do you prefer to leave the preparations until the last minute? Whatever you prefer, if you’re a freelancer, you must make one important holiday plan early: prepare your business so you can take a well-deserved Christmas break.
Keep reading for some tips on how to prepare your freelance business for time off during the festive season.
Plan for Your Vacation
While it may be tempting to work all year, especially when your income depends on how much work you do, it’s a good idea to take some time to recharge and prep for the new year. If you want to take a Christmas break, you should let your clients know when you won’t be available so they can adjust their deadline expectations and make plans for your time away.
Wrap Up Work Before Your Break
Tie up any loose ends with clients before your vacation. This could mean taking care of unpaid invoices, returning completed projects, answering any questions, or providing feedback. Settling your business affairs before going on holiday will show clients that you care about them and allow you to relax during your time off.
Save Throughout the Year
Of course, there are financial preparations you should make as a freelancer to fund your Christmas break. If you want to take time off at the end of the year, set aside a percentage of your pay every month so that you’re not struggling to pay your bills while away. The best way to do this is to record your weekly or monthly expenses and calculate what you’ll need during your leave (factoring in any additional travel or vacation-related expenses).
Consider Raising Your Rates in the New Year
Freelancers may hesitate to raise their rates because they’re afraid their clients will leave them for someone cheaper. But it’s common for businesses to raise their prices (reasonably) semi-regularly, and you should always remember the value of the service you provide. If your work always meets or exceeds your clients’ expectations, they’ll be likely understand why you’re charging more for your services in the new year.
Send a Holiday Greeting to Your Clients
The holidays are the perfect time to let your clients know about any special promotions or new services you have. Sending a professional, festive holiday card shows that you care about your clients and adds a personal touch. It’s also a great opportunity to thank them for a great year and tell them what you have planned for the year ahead.
Becoming a Proofreader or Editor
If you’re interested in learning more about freelancing, why not try our Becoming A Proofreader and Becoming An Editor courses? These courses will teach you the skills you need to launch your own freelance proofreading or editing business. And if you pass both the Becoming A Proofreader and Becoming An Editor courses with a distinction score of at least 80%, you’re guaranteed work with our partner company, Proofed. Sign up for your free trial today!
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