Business Tips

An archive of posts about starting your freelance business. Learn handy tips such as what to include in a business plan, how to set up a website, and ways to get the most out of your workspace.

  • How to Start a Freelance Writing Business

    How to Start a Freelance Writing Business

    Jun 29, 2024

    • Business Tips
    • Freelance Tips
    • How To Become A Freelancer

    Whether you’re looking to use your way with words to launch a new career or to embark on an interesting side hustle, starting a freelance writing business is a great option. But where and how do you start? It can be a daunting prospect, but you can do it. In this post, we’ll explain how. […]

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  • What to Put on a Business Card as a Freelancer

    What to Put on a Business Card as a Freelancer

    Jun 28, 2024

    • Business Tips
    • Finding Work
    • Freelance Tips
    • Professional

    Understanding what to put on a business card is essential for any freelancer looking to make a lasting impression. A well-designed business card can open doors to new opportunities, help establish your brand, and ensure potential clients remember you.  In this guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about creating an effective […]

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A Complete Guide to Branding for Freelancers

  • How to Choose Your Freelance Business Name

    May 31, 2024

    • Business Tips
    • Freelance Tips
    • Professional

    Knowing how to choose a suitable freelance business name is an important step on your road to success. Your business name is often the first thing people see or hear about your business, so it needs to make a good impression. This post will guide you through the process of picking a great business name […]

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  • Freelancer vs. Business Owner: Is There a Difference?

    May 22, 2024

    • Business Tips
    • Freelance Tips

    There are many similarities between being a freelancer vs. a business owner. Whichever path you choose, you’ll get to be your own boss. That means having the freedom and flexibility to pursue work you’re passionate about, set your own rates, and control your time. However, there are also significant differences between the two options. In […]

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  • A Complete Guide to Content Marketing for Small Businesses

    May 15, 2024

    • Business Tips
    • Freelance Tips
    • Writing Tips

    Content marketing for small businesses, eh? Some people thrive on the idea of marketing, while others break out in a cold sweat at the very word. Which one best describes you? Whichever it is, we hope that by the end of this post, you’ll be eager to start creating. To guide you through, we’ll look […]

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  • Freelance vs. Self-Employed: Is There a Difference?

    Oct 28, 2023

    • Business Tips
    • Freelance Tips

    Some people may not realize that there is a difference between being freelance vs being self employed. While there is some overlap, these two terms carry distinct meanings and implications. In today’s blog post, you’ll learn: What Does Self-Employed Mean? Being self-employed means that an individual runs their own business. They could be a sole […]

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  • Working for a Company vs. Working Solo

    Oct 17, 2023

    • Business Tips
    • Finding Work
    • Freelance Tips

    As with many careers, when becoming a proofreader, you have a choice: working for a company vs. working solo. You might begin by proofreading for friends and then starting your own company, or you might find yourself proofreading as part of your job and take those transferrable skills to the bank. Broadly, though, there are […]

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  • How to Write an Elevator Pitch as a Freelancer

    Sep 15, 2023

    • Business Tips
    • Freelance Tips
    • Professional

    It’s important to learn how to write an elevator pitch as a freelancer so you can pitch your services quickly and succinctly to anyone who asks. There’s nothing worse than having an opportunity to pitch your services and not being prepared. So, it’s a good idea to have one or two elevator pitches ready for […]

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  • How To Upsell Your Services As A Freelance Writer

    How To Upsell Your Services As A Freelance Writer

    Sep 09, 2023

    • Business Tips
    • Finance Tips
    • Freelance Tips

    If you’re looking to make more money from your freelance writing business, it might be time to learn how to upsell. Upselling is a staple marketing technique and one that freelance writers can adopt to generate a more stable income and stronger client relationships. From understanding your client’s needs to offering bundle packages, learn how […]

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  • Should Freelance Writers Ever Work for Free?

    Should Freelance Writers Ever Work for Free?

    Sep 08, 2023

    • Business Tips
    • Finance Tips
    • Freelance Tips

    Whatever stage you’re at in your freelance writing career, you will inevitably encounter clients who want you to work for free. But is the right answer always a firm “no”? For freelancers, the question of working for free is a little more complex than that. Should Freelancers Ever Work for Free? Unfortunately, there’s no definite […]

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