How to Craft a Content Writer Resume (with Examples)

How to Craft a Content Writer Resume (with Examples)

A well-crafted content writer resume is essential if you want to land new clients and succeed as a freelancer. In this post, we’ll explain how to create a resume that showcases your skills and gets you noticed. We’ll also give you an example of a resume to help you get started on your own.

What to Include in Your Content Writer Resume

When writing your resume, there are some key elements you should always include:

  • Your contact information
  • A professional summary (a brief statement highlighting your expertise and experience)
  • Previous work experience and content writing skills (including unpaid work)
  • Relevant education (degrees, online courses, certificates, etc.)
  • Professional achievements or awards
  • Membership in professional societies

If you’re a beginner and don’t have much professional writing experience, you can include any writing-related aspects of past employment. For example, if you’re a former teacher, you could list comprehensive lesson planning as research and writing experience. Or if you worked in an office, you can describe how you managed projects and prepared presentations or other professional documents.

Writing Your Content Writer Resume

Here’s a breakdown of how to write an effective content writer resume:

1. Choose a Format

There are several different formats to choose from for your resume. You can write a chronological resume, a functional resume, or a combination of both. Both formats have their advantages – a chronological resume highlights your work history and education over time, while a functional resume emphasizes your related skills. If you’re a relatively new writer with little professional writing experience, a functional resume (or a combination of both formats) is probably the best way to showcase your skills.

2. Decide What to Include

It can be challenging to decide what to include on a resume, especially if you have a varied work history. Generally, your content writer resume should be concise; it’s usually best to keep it to around one page.

If possible, try to tailor your resume specifically to the writing job you’re applying for. This means you may need to emphasize different skills or achievements for each potential role or client. For example, if you’re applying for a position writing content for a veterinary office, it would be appropriate to include your time as a volunteer at an animal shelter, even if it didn’t involve writing. However, this experience would not be relevant to a job as a financial writer, so you would leave it off that version of your resume.

Additionally, even if you don’t have an industry-specific degree, you can include past coursework or professional development that relates to the job you’re applying for.

3. Provide Concrete Details

To help your resume stand out from the crowd, provide as many concrete details of your experience and professional achievements as you can. For example, if you took the lead on a project or increased website traffic and conversions for a client, be sure to include the specific data in the work experience section. Here are some more ideas for using numbers in your resume.

4. Tailor Your Language and Tone

Always use clear and concise language for your content writer resume – and be sure to proofread for errors and inconsistent formatting before submitting it. In addition, visit the website of the organization you’re applying to work with and try to match their language and tone as much as possible (as long as it’s professional!). When discussing your previous experience, use bold, engaging verbs (e.g., “crafted,” “supervised,” “implemented”).

5. Optimize With Keywords

Incorporate relevant keywords and phrases from the job description to ensure your resume passes through applicant tracking systems. These systems collect and rank resumes – based on how well they match the job description – to narrow down applications to the most suitable candidates. Make sure your resume is tailored to the vacancy in question!

Content Writer Resume Example

There isn’t one single best tool to use to create your content writer resume. You can write it in Microsoft Word as a PDF, or you can use Google Docs, Canva, or other resume-building sites. No matter what tool or software you use, be sure to include all relevant information, and ensure the content is presented neatly and is easy to follow. A good tip is to email it to yourself and open it on your own computer to get a better visual understanding of the format.

Below is an example of a fictional content writer’s resume to use as inspiration; you can read an additional example on the LiveCareer website.

Example Resume

Abigail Doyle
[email protected]
Professional Summary:
Experienced content writer with a passion for crafting engaging and SEO-friendly content. Proven track record of delivering high-quality articles, blogs, and social media posts. Skilled in content strategy, keyword research, and digital marketing.
Work Experience:
Content Writer, Quinn Cosmetics (May 2019–Present)
– Created compelling blog posts, articles, and content for the company’s main website, resulting in a 20% increase in organic traffic.
– Collaborated with the SEO team to optimize content for search engines and improve ranking.
Freelance Content Writer (April 2017–May 2019)
– Developed content strategies for diverse clients, including social media campaigns, email newsletters, and website copy.
– Conducted keyword research and implemented SEO best practices to enhance online visibility.
Bachelor of Arts in English Literature, Sutton University, 2016
– Proficient in content management systems (CMS) including WordPress and Drupal
– Strong writing, editing, and proofreading skills
– Familiarity with SEO principles and keyword research tools
– Excellent communication and collaboration abilities
– Content Marketing Certificate, Pathways Professional Development, 2017
– Certificate of Web Design, Pathways Professional Development, 2017
Professional Development:
East Coast SEO Content Marketers Conference, 2018

Becoming a Freelance Writer

Do you want to learn more about what it takes to be a successful freelance content writer, including how to find clients? Check out our comprehensive Becoming a Freelance Writer course. It teaches you everything you need to know about launching a rewarding career as a freelance writer. Sign up to receive your free lessons today!

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