Become a pro at punctuation! Enhance the clarity and flow of your writing by mastering the use of commas, semicolons, hyphens, parenthesis, ellipsis, quotation marks...and various other types of punctuation.
Proofreading Tips: What to Do With Comma Splices
Proofreading Tips: What to Do With Comma Splices
Sep 23, 2021
A good proofreader will know how to spot and correct common punctuation errors. One of the most common of these is the comma splice. But what exactly are comma splices, and how can you fix them? Read on to find out more. What Are Comma Splices? A comma splice is what happens when two independent […]
Proofreading Tips: Punctuation in MHRA Style
Proofreading Tips: Punctuation in MHRA Style
Jul 01, 2021
The MHRA Style Guide is often used in the humanities, especially in the UK. But what does a proofreader need to know when working on a document that follows this style? In this post, we will look at the rules for punctuation in MHRA style, including: General guidelines about the overall punctuation conventions in MHRA […]
Hyphens and Dashes in AMA Style
Jun 06, 2021
The AMA Manual of Style (11th edition) is an academic style guide widely used in the medical sciences. As an academic proofreader, then, you may need to learn the basics of this style. And, having previously introduced the AMA referencing system, this post will focus on how to use hyphens and dashes in AMA style. […]
Punctuation in Other Languages (And Why It Matters for Proofreaders)
May 20, 2021
Proofreaders are (or should be!) familiar with how common punctuation marks are used in English. But punctuation marks and conventions differ between languages. As a result, when working with ESL clients, you might spot some unusual punctuation in a document. If you do see non-English punctuation in a document, you will need to correct it […]
Editing Tips: Does a Comma Indicate a Pause?
May 13, 2021
One of the first things most people learn about commas is that they indicate a pause. And most writers add a comma wherever they would also pause in speech. When proofreading, though, you need to be more discerning. So, when does a comma indicate a pause? And what else do you need to know as […]
A Proofreader's Guide to Conjunctive Adverbs
Feb 25, 2021
Conjunctive adverbs are a useful way of linking sentences and clauses in writing. However, the rules for punctuating conjunctive adverbs can be confusing. As a proofreader, then, you may need to look for issues with these terms. In this post, we’ll explain what you need to know. Linking Sentences with a Conjunctive Adverb Conjunctive adverbs […]
5 Errors New Proofreaders Often Miss
Jan 14, 2021
Proofreaders need to be careful not to overlook mistakes in text while they work. Here, for instance, we’re going to look at five errors that new proofreaders often miss in documents: Mix-ups involving unfamiliar homophones. Multiple independent clauses combined in a comma splice. Inconsistencies in a document that don’t involve explicit errors. Misplaced or missing […]
5 Easy-to-Miss Quotation Mark Errors
Nov 08, 2020
Among other things, a good proofreader will check documents for proper use of quotes and quotation marks. However, there are many easy-to-miss quotation mark errors, including 4. Smart Quotes vs. Straight Quotes In typography, quotation marks come in two styles: Smart (or curly) quote marks – These are standard in most writing now, and most […]
Editing Tips: Punctuation in APA Style
Editing Tips: Punctuation in APA Style
Aug 27, 2020
The APA Publication Manual is one of the principal academic style guides. And if you’re proofreading academic writing, especially in the social and Becoming A Proofreader Want to know more about style guides and proofreading? Then our Becoming A Proofreader course could be just what you’re looking for. Sign up for a free trial today […]
How To Use Punctuation in Chicago Style
How To Use Punctuation in Chicago Style
Jul 23, 2020
The Chicago Manual of Style (CMoS) contains a lot of information on punctuation! Some is just to remind the reader of standard usage (e.g. that a sentence should end in a period). But as a proofreader, it pays to know the subtleties of punctuation in Chicago style. Periods and Abbreviations in Chicago Style When it […]