Historic vs. Historical: What’s the Difference?

Historic vs. Historical: What’s the Difference?

  • Nov 14, 2017
  • 6 min read

The invention of the computer was a historic event. Without it we would still be scribbling in the margins of galley proofs, unaided by word-processing software. The invention of the computer was also a historical event, hence our use of the past tense.

Yet not every historical event is historic, and not every historic event happened long enough ago to be historical.

Words that look similar can have very different meanings – think about extent and extant or pier and peer. They may resemble each other on the page but certainly not in meaning!

Sometimes, though, the words that confuse us most are the ones whose meanings have more subtle differences. These tend to come from the same root – like historic and historical.

They’re not interchangeable, even though they share a common origin. In this post, we’ll explore some word pairs where a tiny change in suffix completely changes the meaning and dig into the question of historic vs. historical. Set your dictionary aside for now, and let us explain instead.

What Is a Suffix?

Let’s start with the basics. A suffix is a letter or group of letters added to the end of a word to modify its meaning. Those few extra characters added to a root word typically also change its grammatical role.

For example:

  • -ness turns adjectives into nouns (e.g., happy → happiness)
  • -er often indicates a person who performs an action (e.g., write → writer)
  • -able forms adjectives meaning “able to be” (e.g., read → readable)
  • -ic/-ical changes nouns into adjectives (e.g., hero → heroic / alphabet → alphabetical)

The suffixes -ic and -ical both turn nouns into adjectives. However, applying each of these suffixes to the same word can affect the meaning in surprisingly different ways.

How Do Suffixes Change the Meaning of a Word?

In the past, certain words ended in -ical that now end in -ic instead. In fact, this longer spelling crops up in Shakespeare:

…if you break one jot of your promise, or come one minute behind your hour, I will think you the most pathetical break-promise.

You probably won’t find antiquated spellings such as pathetical in the dictionary or returning to common usage anytime soon, but the idea lives on. We still see -ic and -ical suffixes used in modern writing – sometimes interchangeably, as in ironic and ironical, where the suffix doesn’t affect the meaning.

However (here’s where things get complicated), some words exist in both -ic and -ical forms – but the two don’t mean the same thing. It’s not just about style or tradition – those little suffixes actually steer the meaning of the word.

And that difference matters.

Let’s look at a few pairs where the difference is more than just cosmetic:

Word Ending in -icWord Ending in -icalWhat’s the Difference?
ClassicClassicalClassic refers to something exemplary or timeless.Classical relates to traditional forms of art and music or to the civilizations of ancient Greece or Rome.
EconomicEconomicalEconomic relates to the economy or economics.Economical means cost-effective or not wasteful.
MagicMagicalMagic is the noun for supernatural powers or sleight of hand. Magical describes something that feels enchanting or delightful.
Electric Electrical Electric describes something powered by or producing electricity (e.g., an electric car). Electrical relates more broadly to the science or systems involving electricity (e.g., electrical engineering).

See what we mean? Just one extra syllable can completely shift the sense of a word. As a proofreader or writer, knowing these differences helps you choose the right word every time.

Historic vs. Historical

Let’s return to our original pair: historic and historical. They both have to do with history, but only one is used to describe events that changed it.

What Does Historic Mean?

Historic means significant or momentous. A historic event is one that shapes the future or stands out in collective memory.

The historic first performance of Oklahoma changed musical theatre forever.

NASA’s moon landing was a historic achievement for humanity.

On this historic occasion, I would like to raise a toast to our distinguished guests.

In the sentences above, then, the use of historic emphasizes the importance of the event.

What Does Historical Mean?

Historical simply means something related to the past or to history. It doesn’t imply significance – just a happening in an earlier time.

Critics dismissed the book as an action thriller disguised as historical fiction.

The exhibit features historical maps and artifacts from the colonial era.

It’s important to consider these events in their historical context.

So while all historic events are historical (as they happened in the past), not all historical events are historic (not everything that happened in the past is that important!). It’s a small distinction that makes a big difference in meaning.

Bonus Tip: A Historic vs. an Historic

While we’re on the topic of historic vs. historical, we should address the connected question of a historic vs. an historic. Which is the appropriate article to use with either of these words?

The letter h is a bit of an outlier when it comes to the “correct” article to use, as it doesn’t follow the simple rule to use a before a consonant and an before a vowel.

In some cases, words beginning with h are preceded by an:

We waited for an hour.

I need an honest opinion.

But others are preceded by a:

That is a huge dog!

It is also a hairy dog.

This is because which article to use really depends on how a word is pronounced.

In the case of both historic and historical, some people prefer to use the article an, as it can feel more comfortable to say out loud. This is absolutely fine in speech and in informal writing. However, the correct article to use in formal writing in both cases is a:

The Battle of Hastings was a historic event. 

As it occurred in 1066, the Battle of Hastings is also a historical event. 

Sharpen Your Proofreading Eye

Mixing up historic and historical is an easy mistake to make. But getting these terms right ensures that writing is understood correctly and avoids potentially embarrassing mistakes. And if you’re a proofreader, that’s exactly the kind of detail your clients will thank you for catching.

Want to sharpen your eye for easily confused words? Our Becoming A Proofreader course covers commonly misused terms – plus everything else you need to start a flexible new career as a freelance proofreader.

You can even try out the course for yourself today – sign up for two free lessons to see if it’s the right fit for you!

Updated on March 28, 2025

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