5 Tips to Get Rid of Distractions When Working Remotely
As a freelance proofreader, you can work almost anywhere. But whether you’re working at home or on the go, you’ll need to make sure you can focus. In this post, then, we’ll offer some helpful advice on how to get rid of distractions when working remotely, including:
- Find somewhere well lit, comfortable, and away from other activity.
- Let other people know you’re working so they don’t disturb you.
- Keep your workspace organized so you have everything you need to hand.
- Block distracting websites and other digital distractions.
- Have a schedule that maximizes your ability to work productively.
For more advice on how to get rid of distractions when working remotely, read on below.
1. Think About Where You Will Work
Where you choose to work is important. To reduce distractions, your workspace should:
- Be well lit so you can work without straining your eyes.
- Be comfortable (e.g., spacious enough, well ventilated, not too hot or cold).
- Have a reliable internet connection so your work isn’t limited by being offline.
- Be away from too many passersby and other activity (e.g., if you are working in a cafe or a shared workspace, look for a spot away from the main thoroughfare).
If you are working from home, it can also help to have a dedicated workspace. This will help you keep your work and personal lives separate, minimizing the chance of the latter intruding upon the former! If possible, try to find somewhere tucked away, like a spare room.
2. Take Other People Into Account
It isn’t always possible to find a completely private space for remote working. But don’t forget that most people are reasonable! If you politely let people you live and/or work with know when you will be working each day, you can give each other the space you need.
If you are working in public, meanwhile, consider investing in some noise-canceling headphones. Whether you fill them with white noise or productivity-boosting tunes, they can be a great way to block out noisy surroundings. But they also send a clear signal to those around you that you’re busy, so they can also help you stay undisturbed by strangers.
3. Keep Your Workspace Organized
You might also want to think about how you organize your workspace.
Wherever you are, take some time at the beginning of each day to make sure you have everything you need for the day ahead to hand (e.g., a glass of water, a notebook and pen, your laptop, style guides, healthy snacks). This will prevent your train of thought from being interrupted by having to get up and get something halfway through a job.
In addition, if you are working from home, spend a few minutes at the end of each day tidying your workspace. This will save you time in the morning, meaning you’ll know where everything is and can get straight to work without distractions.
4. Ditch the Digital Distractions
The internet and digital devices offer a world of enticing distractions for freelancers. To keep yourself focused while working, then, you can:
- Mute notifications on your phone and only check it at set times (e.g., every 90 minutes or so). You could even leave it in another room if you’re working at home.
- Only check emails at set times during the day, especially if you have multiple clients or jobs on at once. This ensures you can focus on one thing at a time.
- Get a web blocker. You can download these to your desktop, browser, or phone to control which websites and apps you can access while you work.
- Where possible, turn off nearby devices (e.g., TVs, radios) that might distract you.
These will help ensure that technology boosts productivity rather than reducing it!
5. Create a Schedule to Maximize Productivity
Good scheduling can also help to reduce distractions during your workday. Tips to keep in mind when remote working from home or while traveling include:
- Use an online calendar to help you stick to your plans even on the busiest days.
- Make sure to prioritize the most important tasks each day so you can get them done before any other distractions or complications arise.
- Give yourself small, achievable goals that you can tick off throughout the day. This will keep you motivated and make you less likely to be distracted.
- Plan for meetings and calls so you can work uninterrupted at other times.
- Schedule for breaks so can you stay fresh and focused while working.
If you are traveling, moreover, make sure you work your travel plans into your work schedule, including rest days for when you’re acclimating to a new place. This will ensure that you can work productively (and that you don’t miss a deadline while you’re on a flight).
Becoming A Proofreader
We hope you’ve found these tips for getting rid of distractions while working remotely helpful. For more advice on freelance proofreading, sign up for a free trial of our course today.
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