Module 11: Creative Writing And The Publishing Industry

If you’ve got a passion for literary fiction, nonfiction, or other kinds of creative writing, authors and publishers can be a great source of proofreading work. Of course, to build your reputation and find success within the publishing world, you’ll need to develop the right skills. That’s where this module comes in!

7 Informative Lessons
4 Engaging Quizzes
1 Downloadable Glossary

How This Module Works

There is plenty to consider when it comes to proofreading creative writing. In this module, we break down the publishing process and explain exactly where proofreading and editing fit in.


Lesson 11.1: An Introduction To Creative Writing And The Publishing Industry

Walk through the three traditional stages of the publishing process, and find out when proofreaders typically get involved. Plus, download our glossary of terms common to the publishing industry.


Lesson 11.2: Knowing Your Clients: Authors And Publishers

Find out what to expect when working with an author or publisher and why different types of creative writing require different approaches.


Lesson 11.3: Proofreading And Copy Editing A Manuscript

Explore common issues related to proofreading creative writing. Learn how to address nonstandard spelling and grammar, preserve the author’s voice, correct errors in dialogue, and lots more.


Lesson 11.4: Proofreading And Copy Editing Scripts And Screenplays

Learn all about proofreading scripts, including how to stick to standard formatting, proofread action and dialogue, and use transitions effectively.


Lesson 11.5: Working On Page Proofs

Discover what is meant by “typesetting,” and learn how to proofread a typeset text.


Lesson 11.6: The Proofed Method and Common Questions

Review our guide to annotating a PDF document in Adobe Acrobat Reader. Plus, read the answers to some common questions regarding proofreading creative writing.


Lesson 11.7: Module Quiz

Check your understanding of this module with a short quiz. It’s unassessed, so don’t worry if you get anything wrong! You can revisit the lessons and try again at any time.

Learn About The Full Course

Is Proofreading Important in Creative Writing?

Proofreading is important for all types of writing, and creative writing is no exception. A proofreader acts as the final line of defense, catching any errors missed – or introduced – during the editing stages of the publishing process. This can include:

  • Fixing mistakes in spelling, grammar, and punctuation
  • Ensuring correct formatting, word choice, and tense use
  • Flagging any inconsistencies with the plot, setting, or characters

Even small errors can be off-putting or confusing for readers. And, for an author, having a manuscript proofread before submitting it to an agent or publisher is essential. A manuscript filled with errors looks unprofessional, and proofreading could be the difference between a submission being accepted or rejected.

Becoming A Proofreader

Becoming A Proofreader

  • Confidently make corrections to produce polished, error-free content.

Becoming A Proofreader


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Proofreader & Editor Course Bundle

Proofreader & Editor Course Bundle

  • Master the ins and outs of proofreading and editing, and unlock our guaranteed work offer!

Proofreader & Editor Course Bundle

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