Module 6: Common Punctuation Mistakes

They may be tiny, but punctuation marks wield the power to transform the meaning of a sentence. Even minor punctuation errors (like, too, many, commas) can distract readers and make a piece of writing sound unprofessional. By learning how to use punctuation effectively, you can make sure that your writing – or your client’s – is clear and precise and leaves the right impression every time.

8 Comprehensive Lessons
8 Engaging Quizzes
13 Valuable Top Tips

How This Module Works

Remembering the many rules of punctuation can feel daunting. But in this module, we’ll teach you how to spot and fix the most common punctuation errors. We’ll clarify commas, analyze apostrophes, demystify dashes…and much more besides!


Lesson 6.1: Terminal Punctuation

Find out when a comma should really be a period and whether a rhetorical question needs a question mark.


Lesson 6.2: Commas

Escape the curse of the misused comma to make sure that clauses and lists are crystal clear.


Lesson 6.3: Colons And Semicolons

Discover once and for all the differences between these two deceptively similar-looking punctuation marks.


Lesson 6.4: Apostrophes

Dive into the intricacies of how to properly mark possession and not get confused with plurals.


Lesson 6.5: Quotation Marks

Explore the differences between US and UK English and how to format long and short quotations, including quotes within quotes.


Lesson 6.6: Hyphens And Dashes

Learn how a hyphen is different from an en dash, how both are different from an em dash, and how to properly use all three.


Lesson 6.7: Ellipses, Parentheses, And Lists

Look at the ways to correctly use ellipses to show that something is missing or unfinished, and gain confidence in punctuating bulleted lists.


Lesson 6.8: Module Quiz

Check your understanding of this module’s content with a 15-question quiz.

Learn About The Full Course

Why Does Punctuation Matter?

You’ve probably heard the phrase “It’s not what you say but how you say it.” The same sentiment applies to the written word. From work emails to college essays and from fiction manuscripts to marketing materials – punctuation has a significant impact on the way writing is received.

✓ The right punctuation can help your words shine, conveying tone and ensuring clarity.

⛌ The wrong punctuation can cause confusion and undermine the credibility of the message.

This makes the ability to apply punctuation with ease a valuable skill for anyone to learn!

If your aim is to work as a professional proofreader, your clients will expect you to be a punctuation pro. If you know the rules inside out, you’ll be able to provide an invaluable service – whatever the document type or niche.

  • Does Punctuation Go Inside or Outside of Quotation Marks?

    Read more
    Does Punctuation Go Inside or Outside of Quotation Marks?
  • What Is an Oxford Comma? (With Examples)

    Read more
  • A Proofreader’s Guide to Exclamation Point Use

    Read more

Becoming A Proofreader

Becoming A Proofreader

  • Confidently make corrections to produce polished, error-free content.

Becoming A Proofreader


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