Module 5: Common Grammar Mistakes

Mastering the rules of grammar can seem like a mammoth task. There are so many rules…and so many exceptions to those rules! It’s a challenge well worth taking on, though. Grammar is a valuable tool to help you – or your client – communicate ideas clearly, confidently, and persuasively.

8 Thorough Lessons
8 Interactive Quizzes
13 Helpful Top Tips

How This Module Works

Ready to get to grips with grammar? This module covers key grammar rules in manageable, beginner-friendly chunks. Plus, we’ll bust some common grammar myths and misconceptions along the way!


5.1: Faulty Agreement

Learn how to make the subject and verb (or noun and pronoun) in a sentence grammatically consistent, and pick up tips for using the right pronouns.


5.2: Faulty Parallelism

Find out how to tackle grammar mix-ups, including confused verb tenses, mixed infinitives, inconsistent lists, and more.


5.3: Fragments And Modifying Clauses

Read our advice to ensure your modifiers are never dangling or misplaced, your sentences are complete, and your clauses are used correctly.


5.4: Adverbs And Adjectives

Explore why adverbs are often misused and adjectives are often misordered, then learn how to correct these kinds of errors.


5.5: Determiners, Prepositions, And Pronouns

Discover common errors related to determiners and prepositions, which are particularly likely to occur in ESL documents.


5.6: Regional Grammar Differences

Uncover the differences in grammar between US and UK English.


5.7: Grammar Myths And Common Questions

Find out which grammar rules are actually grammar myths – and can be removed from your checklist!


5.8: Module Quiz

Check your understanding of this module with our 16-question, self-paced grammar quiz.

Learn About The Full Course

Why Is Grammar Important?

Whether you want to embark on a proofreading career or take your own writing to the next level, grammar is an important part of the puzzle. Accurate grammar, spelling, and punctuation can be the difference between writing that shines and writing that falls flat. Good grammar:

✓ Shows that you’ve taken care in your work
✓ Helps you express ideas clearly and coherently
✓ Ensure good structure and flow in a piece of writing
✓ Lends credibility to your points
✓ Makes the writing more engaging and enjoyable to read

  • What Is a Dangling Modifier? (With Examples)

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    What Is a Dangling Modifier? (With Examples)
  • The Bad Big Wolf? A Proofreader’s Guide to Adjective Order

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  • Is or Are? A Guide to Collective Nouns

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Becoming A Proofreader

Becoming A Proofreader

  • Confidently make corrections to produce polished, error-free content.

Becoming A Proofreader


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Proofreader & Editor Course Bundle

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