Post-Easter Eggs

Post-Easter Eggs

  • Apr 04, 2018
  • 3 min read

Here at Knowadays, we were so busy gorging on chocolate all Easter we forgot to get you anything. Better late than never, right? Unfortunately, we don’t yet have the technology to send actual chocolate via a blog, but we can share some ‘Easter eggs’ all the same.

You might already know the pop-culture definition of an ‘Easter egg’: i.e. a hidden feature, usually in a computer game or on a DVD, which you’re encouraged to search for or that you might encounter by accident. However, we believe you can also find ‘Easter eggs’ in proofreading, too, as this job offers at least a few surprising bonuses. So here are some (belated) Easter eggs that you might encounter in your proofreading career.

1. Obscure Knowledge

In case you hadn’t noticed yet, proofreading involves quite a lot of reading, which can include documents on a huge variety of topics. Therefore, you may find yourself immersed in subjects you would never have thought to explore otherwise: one day you’ll have a crash course in genetics, the next you’ll be schooled in eighteenth-century Hungarian architecture. Embrace it!

2. A Good Cop, Bad Cop Routine

Not every client will give you the whole picture when it comes to their proofreading needs. They may talk up their English proficiency, for example, only to then send you an unintelligible document. Or you might set out the services you provide only for a client to demand work outside your remit or that they haven’t paid for.

Here, you have to channel your inner cop show duo, balancing the hard-nosed business sense that ensures you get a fair deal with the sensitivity that ensures you don’t lose repeat business. Remember that your clients feel strongly about their work and may be under pressure. But remember, too, that you are providing a professional service, not doing them a favour.

3. Humbling Moments

We hate to tell you this, but you don’t know everything there is to know about the English language. Actually, we love to tell you this, because it will make you a better proofreader.

No matter how well qualified or experienced you are, there will be times when you come across something that’s unfamiliar or that you’re not sure how to handle. These moments should be taken as learning opportunities. Never assume that you know it all.

We hope you enjoy these tasty Easter eggs. If you’re embarking on a career in proofreading, they should keep you going for some time!

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