Helen Woodhouse

Helen Woodhouse

Lincolnshire, UK

I have long been a word and grammar enthusiast. After 25 years as a lawyer, and better late than never, I made the leap from writing advice on the laws of the land to advice on polishing prose. I did my initial training in proofreading and editing with Proofreading Academy (now Knowadays), gaining a distinction in the Becoming A Proofreader course. I followed that up with training in fiction editing with the Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading, better known as CIEP.

I now work freelance, editing and writing for Proofed as well as writing for Knowadays – the promise of work really has been kept! – and as a fiction editor for independent authors.

I keep hoping that the novel that’s rumoured to be inside each of us will eventually make its way out of my head and onto the page; while I wait, I continue my daily journal, which I’ve kept since I was at school (much longer ago than I like to admit).

Recent Articles:

  • What Is a Freelance Ghostwriter?

    Jul 26, 2024

    • Freelance Tips
    • How To Become A Freelancer

    You’ve probably heard the term, but what is a freelance ghostwriter? What do they do? How do they do it? Could you be one? Here we’ll explore this professional writing specialism, and answer all of those questions. Spoiler alert: It’s not all about celebrity memoirs. And yes, you could be a freelance ghostwriter. Stick with […]

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  • 10 Powerful Public Speaking Tips for Beginners

    Jul 13, 2024

    • Freelance Tips
    • Public Speaking

    Public speaking can be a daunting task, especially for beginners. But rather than simply avoiding it, how about learning some tips so you can add this useful skill to your résumé? Whether you’re preparing for a presentation at work, giving a toast at a wedding, or speaking at a community event, the fear of standing […]

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  • 20 Blogging Sites That Will Pay for Your Content

    Jul 05, 2024

    • Finding Work
    • Freelance Tips

    Finding blogging sites that pay freelancers for content can be a great way to make money from your writing skills, whether you do so to start a side hustle or to kick-start your new business. But how do you find blog sites that will pay for your content? And what do you need to look […]

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