
(Rethinking the 9-to-5)

  • Aug 09, 2022
  • 4 min read

For many years and for many people, the traditional 9-to-5 work schedule has been the norm. However, freelance and remote work is rapidly growing in popularity… and we can completely understand why!

There are lots of great benefits to freelance and remote work – the flexibility to choose when and where you work, achieving a better work-life balance, and saving money by skipping the daily commute (to name just a few).

Today, we’re catching up with Bernard, a Becoming A Proofreader graduate who recently transitioned from a 9-to-5 job into freelance proofreading. He’s now able to earn an income on a schedule that suits him, and he has plenty of time left to pursue his hobbies and passions!

Hi, Bernard! What made you consider Becoming A Proofreader?

The course had good online reviews, and completing the course would give me the potential to work for Proofed.

What were you doing before you started the course?

I was working in middle management in the food-processing industry.

Was there anything surprising or particularly challenging in the course for you?

I was pleasantly surprised by the resources and depth of knowledge that lay behind each topic.

What has been the single best benefit of having done the course?

It’s given me the confidence to step away from the “normal” work experience to work online with a work day that suits me.

How has your transition to working as a freelance proofreader with Proofed been?

From being a bit nervous when first accepting documents to now moving freely through the process, my transition has been painless. It’s helpful knowing there’s a great support team on hand.

Have you been self-employed before? How are you finding it?

No, I haven’t, and I’m loving the feeling of freedom that comes with being self-employed.

“I’m loving the feeling of freedom that comes with being self-employed.“


How has life changed for you as a freelance proofreader?

My attachment to days of the week has disappeared. As long as I have the client’s deadline in mind, days of the week and even times of day have become irrelevant.

What is your day-to-day routine like now?

After rising, I’ll continually check in to see what work might be available, knowing that other hobbies and passions (e.g., photography, fishing, and meeting friends) can be accommodated at any moment.

Are you doing any other, non-proofreading, work?

I’m working toward another online job with photography and will also be doing some physical farm work when I go traveling.

Was the course good value for money?

It was excellent value for money.

What do you enjoy most about proofreading?

Completing a job in the knowledge that I’m sending back a document that is much improved and is something the client can be satisfied with.

Where do you proofread?

I currently proofread at home in a designated work area but will soon be traveling and staying for periods of time in different places. Proofreading has given me the opportunity to travel in this manner while still working.

What do you do when you aren’t proofreading?

Short local trips, photography, fishing, and working online with other projects.

Is there any advice you’d give to someone who is currently thinking about taking Becoming A Proofreader?

Don’t rush through any topics. No matter how good we think our English is, there’s always something new to learn.

Do you have a website or LinkedIn profile?

Yes, I have a LinkedIn profile.

Becoming A Proofreader or Editor

Are you rethinking your 9-to-5? If you’d like to kickstart a new career that offers complete freedom and flexibility, look no further than our Becoming A Proofreader and Becoming An Editor courses. You’ll learn all of the skills needed to begin a fulfilling new career as a freelance proofreader or editor. Try them for free today!

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